Ancestry PDF Downloads

Here are the 2025 documents, ready to save or print—the project has really
wound down, so they’re probably the final versions. Get ’em while they’re hot!

Ancestries of the children of Ron and Harriet Spieth.
The Appendices document completes each of them.

Ancestries of mom and her two brothers. Accompanying documents included.

Ancestries of dad, his brother Bill and a large document for my five cousins,
the children of Phil and Noreen Spieth. Accompanying documents included.

An ancestry of Vera Rudick, whose son Kevin Bourdon contributed
a wealth of photos, letters and other information, and an ancestry for
my great-aunt Irene, who helped so much at ninety-nine years of age.
Accompanying documents included.

An essay about mom’s grampa, Mike Fragale, and an essay summarizing
Terri Ruleau’s research into Chief Paul Ance and the Williams Family.